So it has been a major issue for me to publish this first post, Nothing like third time's a charm. So here it is.
The Daily Ride first ever blogger post.
I'd like to amuse you all(all of 1, Myself) with yesterday's short but
event full cross ride, Five minute's deep I feel the trickle of what I hoped to be snot and not blood dripping from the huge bump on my face that I call a nose.
Nope it's blood.
Picture this, some
pedal head pedaling up a semi steep but short road with a bunch of traffic, thumb pressing the snot box closed to cut the blood flow. After a minute or two and a
Wendy's parking lot I was able to stop the cracked nasal passage from bleeding.
Riding on, I get to an intersection where car's are known to cut
Thur the
opposite lane because the area is so wide.( New
London tnpk and Division RD)I'm rolling slow to the stop sign so the pickup truck can turn in and I will cross the road and make a left. Nope I guess he didn't see me in my bright yellow riding jacket. ( Thank you Bikers Edge for the sweet weather jacket)
Here we are head on, I quickly lean to my left and steer clear of the truck's front end. The truck passes me on my right.
Long story short he got the big F bomb.
I'm on the back road's around
Carr pond and big river area's, there's some fun rolling false flat and small
climbs in this area as well as middle maintenance road's
Thur the park. I decide to cut
Thur the park and get off the road, O how I love the tree's.
I get
Thur the park and hit a road crossing between the riv and
Carr pond where two women are at the gate entrance with there poodle's. O cute the dog's want to pester the
pedal head, I 'm
OK with this. I was feeling uneasy about
approaching the road with dog's in chase, I did not want the little guy's to get smoked by a car. Next thing I know the dog is on my left calf then there it is the bite into the upper calf. I give a
halla, get the hell outta here. The
mutt retreats.
Back onto the road for a 10 minute cool down to the house. Dropping down the hill there's a few car's that zing by in a 25 zone, I'm doing all of that on the bike. We get to the bottom of the hill, one of the car's that passed is making a left across traffic so all the speeding car's come to a
screeching halt. It just so
happens that I am right on the side of them when this is all going down. thinking to my self, no shoulder and high curb, mail boxes, I'm screwed.
Luckily all was well and I dropped the hammer and pulled away. As i raged down the road I
noticed that only one of the three car's that passed me on the down had not passed again. I give a glance back to see nothing but empty road behind me. Two out of the three driver's needed to speed to get to there turn off. O how
I'd like to drop the F bomb on them.
Finally I was home safe and sound sucking down the
recoverite and eating a couple of tuna
wraps with bacon and cheese.
Today's ride was back in the wood's where I belong. Fred and I putted around for about two hrs. A nice mellow ride in
preparation for this weekend 20 degree temp's.
Well this is all I have for today Daily Ride. Tune in for
Friday's edition of The Daily Ride. Till then this Robert Stine signing off.
Peace out