Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Daily Ride

Took out the cross rig again today, did about 25 miles in 1:45. I didn't really push to hard today with a snow ride in the trails tomorrow. It was a pretty uneventful ride,I like uneventful road rides.
Only one skidding car coming off Hopkins Hill Road onto Bates Trail. The kid threw the My Bad wave so I waved back and road on.
At one point in the ride, I believe Rt. 102 was my place of origin, my bottle gave me the wonderful flavor of sweat. I said to myself h'mmmm that's weird, It's pretty chilly and the only place's where there's sweat are my spine and place's below the waste. How can that taste so much like sweat? As I ride on I hit the bottle a few more time's. More sweat flavor. Then it dawned on me. The roadies flavor of choice ROAD SALT. Sure enough, I checked the top of the bottle after the ride and there it was the white stain of road salt. I guess cramps from sodium dephisincy were not a factor today.

Till tomorrow
Bobby Stine signing off
The Daily Ride

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